Saturday Snippets 26th October 2013

{feeling} ill

{surviving} on lemsip

{playing} with our new Design and Drill set (review to follow)

{writing} Autumn poems

{eating} Middle Eastern Mezze for supper

{watching} Strictly (and loving Tiddler’s attempts to copy the dancing)

football boy

{snapshots} Tiddler enjoyed his football lesson with the big ones this morning – it’s nice to have an activity that all four of them can do together.  In other news, he wrote his name for the first time today.  Rabbit made a six day countdown Halloween “Advent” calendar yesterday.  Monkey has been writing various versions of his “Daily Odds” newspaper which is very funny, and definitely needs a blog post of its own.  Owl has been building ever more complex Lego structures, making use of his Technics pieces, and he really wants to do some more Lego animations – I need to learn how to do it so I can help him, as there’s never enough time when daddy is around.

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