Today I am 32 weeks and 6 days pregnant.
Baby is: about the size of a coconut. Or, more accurately, as we’ve had another growth scan this week, about 4lb 4oz. All the measurements suggested that he’s more-or-less exactly average, which is good news. I’m still hoping to get away with controlling the diabetes with my diet to avoid unnecessary interventions, so it was a big relief. In other news, he is head down which is good, but he appears to have a foot stuck in my ribs which is not so great.
I am: up and down and all over the place. Sleeping only with the help of pills, tired and emotional and in a lot of pain. But I’m trying to make the most of occasional random bursts of energy and get lots of things done while it lasts. It’s been quite a productive day today so I feel a bit better, though as I’m up too late to take a sleeping pill it doesn’t bode very well for tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing some friends at a coffee morning at church, though, so maybe it will be a good day. I haven’t been out very much recently and I know that’s part of the problem. I went to the theatre last night which felt like an achievement. I found it hard because of a few anxiety triggers, and just having too much on my mind. I tried really hard to be distracted, with only partial success, but the play was very good and I’m glad I went. I came back in tears, which confused Paul, and fair enough – I couldn’t even begin to explain. I think I just need to get out more!