I had my dating scan today and my due date is now 2nd January. I’d worked it out at 7th January, the doctor said the 6th, and one of the midwives said it was about the 9th or 10th, so I really didn’t know what to think. But I’ll go with the scan prediction as it’s probably the most accurate, though I know due dates are an inexact science. Anyway, based on that I am now 13 weeks plus 4, so this post is kind of late, though it feels early.
Baby is: the size of a peach. The scan was lovely. I was a bit nervous at first, but I relaxed when I heard the heartbeat, and then after a while baby started jumping up and down which was quite reassuring! The scan equipment was amazing, much better quality than five years ago, and it was, as always, very exciting to see that there really is a baby in there.
I am: feeling quite a lot better. The sickness is mainly in the evenings now, and the dizzy spells are happening less frequently. And the scan made me happy today 🙂